Trump Accountability Project: Remember What (Real Fascists) Did
This U.S. election cycle, there’s a lot of talk about “fascism” these days.
One pundit on U.S. cable news this weekend speculated – quite rightly – that if you asked Americans to define “fascism,” most probably couldn’t give you a real, accurate, working definition of it.
But at this point, most Americans know at least this much from watching and reading mainstream media critical of Donald Trump: Fascism, Bad.
And indeed, real fascism is bad and antithetical to American values, but this conflation of Trump with fascism needs a reality check.
One historical characteristic of fascist regimes is the systemic, dictatorial stifling of dissent and censorship of opposing views to said regime, with threats of harm to people without power or with lesser power.
Media and Democratic party folks seem hellbent on charging Trump with fascism threats, when in truth, it’s the Dems who have some long-overdue explaining to do.
Those with selective memories appear to have forgotten all about a little left-wing “project” mounted four years ago. Its aim: to target, dox, intimidate, frighten, harass, punish, and economically harm former Trump Administration officials as well as anyone who ever voted for or practically even thought of voting for Trump.
Here’s your reminder: the “Trump Accountability Project” or “TAP.”
When I originally stumbled upon the TAP debacle in November 2020, I grabbed a screen shot of TAP’s original website, before the initiative was quietly and hastily shut down, given its baked-in illegalities (can you say “Hatch Act”?), not to mention its unethical and “unity”-divisive foundation:

Here’s TAP’s history:
For context, on November 7, 2020, newly elected POTUS Joe Biden called for “real, real, real healing” and “unity” in a televised address to the American people:
Sounded great! Yay, Unity!
But alas, behind the scenes, one of the most divisive examples of a modern-day, fascist-like, hate-mongering tactic was in the works by Biden / Harris affiliated campaign supporters: the “Trump Accountability Project” (TAP).
TAP’s sole purpose was to abuse Democrats’ newly consolidated political power and, via crowdsource, to target / dox Republicans.
Moreover, TAP’s creators appointed themselves the sole definers and arbiters of who to punish.
Sounds fascist-y to me!
For example, a screen shot from the then-TAP website read as follows, to document the universe of millions of Americans caught within TAP’s intended crosshairs of political attack and overt threats of life-altering harm:

Gestapo, Ahoy!
By all appearances, it seems an extermination- / eradication-of-thought effort was openly on-the-record, by a team of radical-left folks, drunk with power from the Biden / Harris victory.
But who precisely was Team TAP?
Well, as the saying goes, the guilty always return to the scene of the crime.
Prominent hate-tweets were mounted by staffers, ex-staffers and/or volunteers of Biden/Harris Transition Team member – and later appointed Transportation Secretary – Pete Buttigieg. It’s unclear precise affiliations, since most of these folks immediately began furiously editing their LinkedIn and Twitter profiles, once public criticism of TAP erupted.
Notably, one ringleader with more than 10,000 followers on Twitter (later known as X) and other platforms, Hari Sevugan, launched into a stream of then-public-facing tweets, in a sort of swaggering, guns-a’blazing “Ha! Ha! We know who you are, Trumpies, and we’re coming after you!” tonality of promised retribution and retaliation against the Democrats’ political enemies.
Here are just a few of Mr. Sevugan’s then-public tweets in November 2020:

All kinds of messaging from TAP ringleaders brazenly promised open threats of career-ending We-Will-Hunt-You-Down retaliation against anyone who had taken a paycheck under the Trump Administration… meaning, hundreds if not thousands of staffers and Trump appointees working for the GOP or in government roles at national, state and local levels.
Interestingly, however, the tide for Mr. Sevugan’s swagger soon changed.
Originally, in early November 2020, Mr. Sevugan’s Twitter handle profile read as follows:

But when he himself began coming under criticism for his role in the TAP travesty against democracy and Americans, Mr. Sevugan hastily changed his Twitter profile affiliation to mere “American Flack” after his own hate-posts went viral, to conceal his Pete Buttigieg and Barack Obama affiliations.

Soon thereafter, and to this day, Mr. Sevugan’s Twitter (now X) profile is on lockdown by Mr. Sevugan himself, so that no one except his cherrypicked “approved” followers may even view his past posts… the most incendiary of which have been, I would presume, long-since deleted by Mr. Sevugan:

Mr. Sevugan was listed in a screen capture of his public-facing LinkedIn status in November 2020 as “Pete for America” deputy campaign manager and as former “senior spokesman” for “Obama for America.”

So, not exactly a minor-league Democrat or a one-off, misguided crackpot with no real power.
His colleague whom he tagged, Ms. Emily Abrams (who now “protects” her own tweets, after calling for others to be doxed and attacked), was listed via the Pete For America campaign as former National Surrogates Director, prior to the campaign being suspended March 1, 2020.

Media surrogates working with “mainstream” publications like The Washington Post also got in on the blood sport, too.
They called – or at least heavily implied – that anyone and everyone be cancelled who would even dare question Biden / Harris tactics or the terms of new state election law changes hastily passed after COVID:

But should anyone be surprised?
These types of fascist, veiled threats (or not-so-veiled ones) were also laid bare when a former Clinton & Obama spokesperson openly called for Donald Trump to “die” upon his COVID-19 diagnosis, back in early October 2020:

With the continuing drumbeat by this ilk of radical leftists who have sat at the center of the DNC “thought leadership” machine, is it any wonder that Trump was shot several months ago and additional threats against his life have been ongoing?
Give me a small break. For anyone who declined a vote for Biden on valid policy grounds, the list of grievances due for “healing” isn’t so simple.
In fact, it remains an unresolved work in progress, digital hate mobs notwithstanding. Let’s not forget how many U.S. national news media outlets refused in 2020 to expose felonies such as Hunter Biden’s laptop documenting evidence of inner-family self-dealing, among other illegalities by President Biden’s son for which he was actually convicted in a court of law only more recently.
In 2020, the laptop story essentially was boycotted by news media. Today, Hunter Biden awaits sentencing.
Per voluminous TAP-of-the-iceberg examples of fascist conduct by Democrats, what appeared to be surrogates with direct connections to those working for the Biden/Harris Transition Team — namely, Pete Buttigieg — were propagating hate-filled online threats, to muzzle dissent and place innocent people and institutions (like book publishers) on-notice and under virtual gag-orders, for fear of economic retaliation (or worse).
For his part, Pete Buttigieg put on an impressive gaslighting spectacle on Nov. 8, 2020, all on his own.

How creepy that Buttigieg would tweet this false pleading to reach out and spread “love,” when he knew full-well his staff members were ensconced in the TAP scandal threatening millions of Americans.
His own staff cronies were perpetrating on American taxpayers vile threats, hate and censorship.
At this critical accountability juncture, President Biden stopped short – “real, real, real” short… AWOL, in fact – on his professed “healing” mantra.
The Biden / Harris / Obama / Clinton camps don’t care that “healing” doesn’t happen when open wounds of distrust continue to be gashed open, over and over and over again, by social media soldiers of their own army.
The “Trump Accountability Project” was shut down, by November 14, 2020…
…only days after it had been launched, following a then-growing crescendo of national backlash, mostly from non-mainstream media.
The TAP website was then transitioned to this single-page “statement,” with a visual of a single, peaceful, solitary U.S. flag planted in the ground of presumably rural heartland – American as mom and apple pie – to help the Dems whitewash in red, white, and blue their insidious intent and partisan illegalities:

Ringleaders of the initiative began seeking to distance themselves from TAP, in a stark pivot from their own initial tweets.
Mr. Sevugan started looking for his own graceful exit with this tweet, followed by others, with this artful little backpedal:

Whatever, Dude.
Problem is, we know that even if Democrat spinmeisters say the Trump Accountability Project “will no longer be active” (as the website now states to this day), any integrity has been completely forfeited.
These folks have refused to reveal at any time who their financial sponsors and backers were, which is a major ethics violation on top of ethics violations.
They will — no doubt — use the database they’ve already harvested of like-minded extremists through this hate-mongering exercise for future campaigns, whether implemented in the public domain or in an “underground” capacity. This website domain is still “live” and on-the-ready to be re-activated, which means someone is paying for it, with the future in mind.
Most U.S. “news” outlets turned a total blind-eye to this entire fiasco from November 2020, refusing to report on it, pretending the “Trump Accountability Project” never existed in the first place, meanwhile, pointing the finger at Trump as the one-and-only “threat to democracy.”
In my view, most anyone should see the basis of deep national shame about January 6, 2021, and the illegal acts of Trump supporters who made threats to harm others, destroyed public and private property in their protests, and either directly or indirectly caused medical harm and death to numerous individuals present on the scene.
But has it ever dawned on the Lynn Cheneys of the world that news – such that it was allowed to be reported – of the “Trump Accountability Project” only two months prior to the January 6 riot served only to foment anger and hatred?
January 6 did not occur in a vacuum.
President-Elect Biden’s lip-service calls for “real, real, real” “healing” and “unity” right out of the post-election gate in November / December 2020 were already twisting in the wind as little more than a national joke, thanks to his lot’s TAP campaign, among other statements and actions that underscored Mr. Biden’s lack of authenticity or good faith.
In my view, there should have been an independent, formal investigation launched by the U.S. Justice Department into TAP, including its sponsors, funders, and any potential documented links of its organizers following the direct orders from any member of @Transition46, in possible violation of the Hatch Act.
But there wasn’t an investigation, so we’ll never know all the real facts.

For her part, VP / POTUS Candidate Harris would, no doubt, be real, real, real happy in her “joyful warrior” mode if we’d all just pretend the whole thing with TAP never happened, while pointing the singular finger at January 6 as the alpha-and-omega of all-things-fascism in America.
Never one to let a public gaslighting opportunity go unrealized, President Obama also recently asked out-loud on the campaign stump for Harris a Gee-Whiz, how-did-we-get-here question, about public divisiveness in American society:
Strange that most everyone on the TAP organizational chart — whatever it was — seemed to have direct ties to Mr. Obama’s own prior political campaigns and White House administration, yet this very intelligent man opts to play the dumb card of “Who… moi???”
But in point of fact, isn’t it he who thinks Americans are dumb?
I mean, many of his followers seem to love playing his fool and proving him right, every single day, so it seems to me to be a valid question.
Do better, Dems.