Ethics, Governance, International PR, Leadership, Mental WellnessWant PR Industry “Mental Wellness”? Then Fight for Fair Pricing of PR LaborThe PR industry's long-running pricing problem is arguably connected at the hip to its workforce crisis in mental health. Mary Beth WestMay 16, 2024
Crisis Comms, Ethics, Governance, HealthcareWhat a Difference a Year Makes in Blount Memorial Land"It’s been 13 months since I first called publicly for more than zero women to serve on my community’s hospital board." - @marybethwest Mary Beth WestOctober 25, 2023
In MemoriamCarole Anne Coleman was Beautiful, Inside and Out"What I found weren’t answers, though… just evidence-upon-evidence that Carole Anne wanted to project goodness and kindness onto the world..."Mary Beth WestSeptember 16, 202310 Comments